Thursday, May 21, 2009

Caption Contest Woes

Here at The Shimmy, we pride ourselves on writing great captions. I mean, it's right on our business cards.

So why is the New Yorker shunning us!? We enter almost every week, and they always give the prize to some doucher instead of the rightful victors: us.

Here is a great example. Check out our sweet captions for this picture.

"Why are you down there?"

"What are you?"

"What's going on?"

"One man crawls on all fours while another man looks confused."

"Where is your suit?"

"Do you have any Oreos?"

"See this tie?

"Franklin Delano Rosevelt, Age 8."

See how awesome? What gives?

1 comment:

"The Shimmy" said...

I'll add another:

"You're the first person I've seen in a while."